Soil Conservation Service

Our services to commercial clients

We support commercial enterprises with a wide range of environmental services.

We are experts in environmental consulting and have a thorough understanding of the science of soil and water. Our work is built upon a detailed understanding of what is technically possible but practical to deliver. We deliver cost-effective and environmentally friendly projects.

Our Internationally accredited Integrated Management System means you consistently receive the highest quality solutions to your land degradation issues.

Our specialist team

Our specialist team and contractor network have a reputation for seamless project management and expert knowledge, backed by decades of experience.

The Soil Conservation Service team is well-trained and offers specialised skills across a wide range of construction, infrastructure and environmental services.

We work with private sector organisations, individual landholders, local councils and state government entities to deliver high quality environmental outcomes.

Supporting the commercial sector

The Soil Conservation Service can help you by:

  • Providing construction services including fire trail maintenance and assessment, construction of roads, rehabilitation of railway corridors, coastal infrastructure works including breakwalls, revetments and boardwalks, construction of dams and contour banks, construction of water treatment works and river works.
  • Rehabilitating and restoring degraded environments, including erosion and sediment control works in mining sites.
  • Contaminated site rehabilitation, including all aspects of assessment through to design and implementation of restoration and rehabilitation works.
  • Environmental consulting including resource planning and assessment, soil surveying and landscape mapping, soil and water testing services, erosion and sediment control on infrastructure developments, design and construction of soil and water conservation works, groundwater mapping and salinity control, fluvial geomorphic assessment and more.
  • Providing the expertise and resources to design and implement major environmental works programs and conservation earthworks – we are a leading authority in the implementation of soil and water conservation works.
  • Protecting infrastructure from erosion. We design and build solutions for flood exposed high-pressure gas mains, erosion threatened bridge structures, exposed fibre optic cables, water and sewer mains, undercut roads and embankments, exposed pipelines, dam spillways and more.

Contact us

To find out more about how we can help, please get in touch:

Look up your local office.


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